Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Christmas Sale!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
This year I decided to try to make my Superhero's Valentines. Fortunately, it wasn't nearly as difficult as I had anticipated!
I love these little finger flashlights. You can get a bunch of them for very cheap on Amazon. (here is the link) I thought it would be really cute to try to use them in Valentines instead of candy. Then I had the idea to use one of them for Mater's one working headlight. Since my boys are currently subscribing to a daily ritual of watching 'Mater's Tall Tales,' this seemed perfect. But I wasn't sure how to make it so it would work right.
After all, it would have to be 3D in some way in order to hold the flashlight in position.
I went ahead and ordered the flashlights without knowing for sure how to make it work. Then when I got them, for once everything worked perfectly, and it was very easy. I drew and colored Mater, and then copied him for all the Valentines. With some tape and a glue stick, he was looking fab. His eyes are attached at the back and the hood sticks out in a sort of triangle that allows enough room to tape the flashlight underneath. With the little switch on the side, his headlight turns on.
My Superhero loved them and of course, had to make one for himself too.
It was a little time-consuming to put them all together, but not bad at all.
If anyone wants to make these, just send me a message. I can save you some trouble and send you the Mater template and answer any questions you may have. :)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Whew! I’m running
behind! I’ve been busy finishing writing
my new book and also getting some big projects done for my family. So, I know it’s late, but this is my New Year’s
I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions. Of course, I have some things I would like to
accomplish this year. I have a list of
books to write, and I have the standard ‘get into a good exercise routine’
goal. I’d also like to revamp my Bible
reading and devotional time.
However, I tend to be a very goal-oriented, stubborn person
anyway, so I don’t necessarily need the pressure of a resolution to accomplish
my goals. If anything, I tend to get too
focused on the things I need to accomplish.
I can get so caught up in the details that I lose the beauty of the big
picture. I think it’s actually a pretty
common problem with moms. There’s so
many expectations put on us by others and ourselves that it’s hard to remember
to breathe let alone take a moment to stop and enjoy the view.
So maybe what I need is an anti-resolution . . .
My 3 year old uses the term ‘lasterday.’ I think it’s a combination of ‘yesterday’ and
‘last night.’ He frequently asks in his
cute voice if we did something lasterday.
And I never correct him as to the proper term. Why?
Because I know that he will eventually realize it on his own, and his
lasterdays will forever cease. And what
really bothers me is that I don’t know when the last time is that he will say
it. If I did know, I would try to find a
way to record it. Or maybe I would just
hold him and savor the sound of his cute voice telling me about lasterday.
So that got me thinking . . .
If I knew it
would be the last time
You asked me
to play with you.
I’d stop
everything I was doing
And we’d get
every toy out and play with it twice.
If I knew it
would be the last time
You wanted
me to pretend.
I’d crawl
after you and the other ‘kitties’
And answer
you in meow.
If I knew it
would be the last time
You sang the
wrong lyrics to a song.
I’d belt out
the wrong words with you
And dance
you around the room
If I knew it
would be the last time
You asked me
to read you a story.
I would find
the child’s version of ‘War and Peace’
So it would
last forever.
If I knew it
would be the last time
You wanted
me to ‘tuckle’ you in bed.
I’d crawl in
beside you, pray away the nightmares, sing lullabies,
And fall asleep
with you in my arms
If I knew it
would be the last time
You let me
kiss and hug you goodbye
I’d making
it embarrassingly long
Then watch
until you were long out of sight
If I knew it
would be the last time
You asked me
to kiss your owie.
I’d put
extra magic into the kiss
So it would
cover all future hurts.
If I knew it
would be the last time
You crawled
into my bed in the morning.
I would
snuggle you close, smell your hair,
And remember
my little baby
Time goes so
So many
And I know
not when.
So I’ll
savor each time as a last.
I’ll close
my eyes, hold you close,
Take a
picture in my mind.
Keep that
one moment to last forever.
Then I’ll
let you go. Smile through my tears.
And follow
you into tomorrow.
I have an impossibly long list of things I should accomplish
this year. But this is my
anti-resolution: I’m going to try to
work on the things I really want to remember in twenty years or more. I’m going to try to live in the moments of my
children being young.
So, if you come into my house, you may have to excuse the
clean laundry pile the size of Mount Everest and the pretend kitties crawling
around the furniture. We’re busy making
memories and enjoying whatever lasterdays we have today.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Oh, Christmas Tree
We had to replace the turkeys with some Christmas trees to hang on our chandelier. These are pretty easy and look really cute. It's kind of hard to see in a picture, but the effect is that they look 3D.
My secret to making perfect Christmas trees?
I used a cookie cutter!
I traced two Christmas trees on cardstock and cut them out. I also cut a yellow star out of cardstock. I gave two trees each to my Superhero and Angel and let them decorate them with markers. They need to be decorated on both sides. I then cut one tree in a line up from the bottom to the middle and the other tree down from the top to the middle. I taped the star to the top of the tree that has the bottom cut.
I then slid the two trees together--the top line of one tree going through the bottom line on the other. I used a tiny bit of tape at the top and bottom to make the trees stay in the perpendicular positions where I wanted them. For the bottom part, I put a piece of tape on each of the four corners (as in the picture below) to secure it.
End result
I then taped a piece of string to the star to hang it from the chandelier.

Friday, November 30, 2012
From My Christmas List to Yours
I'm rather obsessive about finding the perfect Christmas gift. I'm also obsessive about finding a good deal. I want to give adults gifts that will be meaningful to them, and I want to give children gifts that they will enjoy longer than a week. It's always been helpful to me to know has worked for other people. I'm really good at borrowing good ideas from others.
So do you want to take a peak at my Christmas list? The best part is, many of these things I bought last year, so I already know they're keepers!
I may post more later (especially about toys :)), but for now, I thought I'd stick with one idea per group. I also tried to choose things around the same price range. Warning: If you are a member of my family, these ideas are off-limits, and you must pretend you never saw this post!
The Baby
An Ornament for Baby's1st Christmas
$7.99-$17.95 (price varies widely, depending on store)
Growing up, I always loved to hang up my special first Christmas ornament. I've continued the tradition with my own children, but I've tried to choose a different, unique ornament for each one. Kids always like to hear stories about when they were babies. This way, when they hang their ornaments, I'll also be able to include the story of why I picked that particular ornament for them.
I scoured the Internet, and oh my goodness, there are some expensive ornaments out there! This one is my pick, and I found a really good deal on it! I wish it said the year; there are a lot of ornaments that do, but I like this one too much to pass it up. There is a boy and a girl version, and this website is running a deal for 50% off the girl ornament and free shipping on orders over $39.50. You can also find this ornament other places, such as on Amazon. The above link will take you to the site where I found the best deal.
The Toddler
$14.00 at Walmart and Amazon
This toy is so cool, my husband and I have fun playing with it! Each face of the cube is a button that represents a different instrument in the orchestra. You can press the buttons to turn each instrument on or off and hear how the music sounds differently. I actually bought this several years ago and my kiddos still like to play with it. Now they turn the music on and dance around it!
The 3 year old
$13.88 at Walmart
3 year olds can be tough to buy for. They aren't babies, but they aren't quite old enough for big kids toys with lots of small parts. My kids love their doctor kit. This Fisher Price version is great and has stood up to a lot of play. We even played vet hospital once and used the kit to treat all of their stuffed animals. And the kit must be good because all the patients survived!
The 4-11 year old
$29.99 at Toys R Us
Note: You can sometimes find this cheaper elsewhere. Zing also makes one that is very similar.
Shhh, this is what I'm getting for all my nephews AND my niece! I know this is a large age range, but this is a fantastic toy. Any kid in this age range will be upset if you get one of these for one and not the other. Yes, even girls will want one, especially with the popularity of 'Brave.' We got this for my Superhero last Christmas. He was five and requested a bow and arrow (after seeing Disney's 'Robin Hood'). He LOVED it, and it is still one of his favorite, if not THE favorite toy. Every kid who comes to our house loves the bow and arrow. When he took it to preschool for show and tell, he had a roomful of envious preschoolers wanting to try it out. And the best part is, the arrows are really safe. They don't hurt if you, by chance, should be hit with one, and trust me, I should know. They haven't caused any damage to my house. And, you can get extra ones if needed. After a year of use, a couple of his arrows are showing signs of wear, so guess what the Superhero is getting in his stocking?!!
The Teenager
An Experience
I don't have any teenagers on my list this year, and I'm not really looking forward to when I do. But if I did, I think I would try to give them an experience as a present. I get tired of stuff. If I could get by without giving my kids a new arsenal of toys for Christmas, I would. But by the time they're teenagers, I'm hoping to give it a shot. If I think about the toys I received for Christmas growing up, I can remember very few. What I remember most, and what is special to me is the things I did with my family. I remember the vacations and playing games together. I remember the laughter, the fun, and the times I felt special. So, if I had a teenager to buy for, I would get him or her a movie gift card, concert tickets, tickets to an amusement park, or a special date with mom or dad. I can just picture my boys loving to go to some kind of professional sports game with their dad. I've heard of families saving their money and going somewhere like Disneyland as their Christmas gift. I think that's a great idea. Instead of more stuff, I would rather my kids have memories.
The Adult
A Charitable Donation
The adults in my family have decided not to give each other Christmas gifts this year. Instead, we've decided to pool the money we would have spent on those gifts and give it to someone in need. I think we've decided to go with Compassion International. They have a Christmas catalog where you can choose specifically where you want your money to go. For $4, you can protect a child from malaria, and the prices for gifts go up from there. We are leaning towards paying for the care of an at-risk child for 3 months. We also like the gift that gives an entire family clean water for life. We like the idea of doing something both short term to help and something that would change someone's life forever. It's very humbling to think that while I'm trying to decide if I should get an iphone, someone else in the world doesn't have clean water or enough to eat. I, for one, have enough stuff. And if I have the choice of getting some THING for myself for Christmas or changing a family's life with something like clean water, I don't need another Christmas gift ever again! If someone gave me a card that told me they'd provided money for something like that as my Christmas gift, I would probably be so very touched, I'd start crying right there!
I know I spend far too much time obsessing over finding the perfect gift. But when I give a gift, it's more than a gift; it's a token of my love. It makes me feel good when I see someone enjoying what I picked out for them. It is very, very true that it is more blessed to give than receive. And I'm looking forward to a lot of blessings this Christmas.

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tips for Online Retail Therapy
Once upon a time, I loved to shop. Then I had kids. Now I hate it. End of story.
Well, maybe not quite the end. I shop now out of necessity, not for fun. A terrible day for me is taking three kids for a day of shopping. And usually I'll drive an hour, go to multiple stores, and then not find what I'm looking for. Then I have to drive another hour home and try to find things online anyway. So, by necessity, I have learned the art of online shopping.
I am very frugal (aka thrifty, economical, cheap,tight--whatever you want to term it). I love a good deal, and I can at times almost obsess about finding one. One of the best things about online shopping is that you can sometimes even get better deals than if you went to the store, AND your purchases come directly to your door.
This Christmas, I'm hoping to get in one shopping run (which I'm sure I will regret). But the vast majority of things I'm going to buy online. Here are a few tips I've learned along the way. This is by no means an exhaustive list. In fact, there are probably still secrets to be found, but here are a few things that have helped me find great deals.
Friends With Benefits
There are an ever-growing number of couponing sites dedicated to doing the work of saving you money. They do the work of finding great deals and share them with everyone else. You can even 'like' or 'friend' some of these sites on Facebook. Then you receive notices in your newsfeed when they post good deals. The downside is that sometimes the deals can go very fast, especially if a large number of people see the same post and want that same deal. The other downside is that these sites tend to post things a lot, which can clutter up your newsfeed. I have purchased t-shirts, nursing covers, and toys based on tips I have received from my 'friends.' As I said before, there are a lot of couponing sites out there, but the two I use are The Krazy Coupon Lady and Fabulessly Frugal. You can find them at their website (click on the previous links) or on Facebook.
Coupon Codes
I take for granted that everyone knows about coupon codes. When you are making an online purchase, most sites have a spot to apply a coupon code. This is an online coupon that gives you a discount or a special deal. Websites and stores frequently run coupon codes as part of promotions. My strategies for finding coupon codes are to Google the name of the store along with the words 'coupon code' or use a website whose job it is to gather and publish coupon codes from around the web. My favorite website for coupon codes is RetailMeNot. If you type in the name of any store, the website gives you a list of available coupons. Some of the best stores I like for coupon codes are Kohls and Payless Shoes. They're always running some kind of coupon code for a percentage off or free shipping. Walmart and Amazon are not very good for using coupon codes, but they can sometimes run good deals without them. For instance, Walmart frequently has 99 cent shipping on any item and Amazon always has free shipping on orders over $25.Did you know that even airlines and computer companies offer coupon codes? Don't ever think your purchase is too big or small. You may not find a coupon code, but I find it's always worth checking.
The Extras
Once I find a fantastic deal, I try to make it even more fabulous by using a website that gives me a percentage of cash back on every purchase. Ive heard that Ebates is a similar rewards site, but I haven't used them personally. I use Shop At Home. It really is simple. All you do is create an account and then whenever you want to purchase something, find the store in their database and use their link to open the website in a new window and make your purchase. Shop at Home will then give you back a small percentage of whatever you spend. The money stays in your account until it reaches a minimum amount, then you can choose a pay-out method. Now I've never gotten a lot of money from using this method, but I figure every little bit helps.
Yes, Amazon is so amazing for online shopping that it gets its own category. When I need to buy something, such as a gift, I tend to get a little obsessive. I find what I want, and then I search the Internet to compare prices and find the best deal. While Amazon doesn't win 100% of the time, I would say they do win most of the time. And you can find just about ANYTHING on Amazon. I might be able to find a product cheaper somewhere else, but when you factor in the fact that Amazon will throw in free shipping on any order over $25, then Amazon can usually easily beat the competition. Another feature I like on Amazon is that I can put things in my cart and purchase them later. Most other sites empty your cart after a certain amount of time has passed. If I see something I want, I put it in my cart. When my cart reaches $25, I decide if I really need all the products and if I should make the purchase. The only downside to this method is that prices can change or go out of stock on the items in your cart. It in no way reserves them for you. So if you see a really good deal, don't wait!
I should mention that Shop At Home doesn't usually offer cash back on purchases made at Amazon. Also, coupon codes are not really useful for this site. The coupon codes Amazon does offer are usually very product specific and generally not at all helpful. But I love the selection and the free shipping. If I can find something on Amazon, it is usually well worth it to save the gas money and stress of trying to purchase elsewhere.
Although I don't have personal experience, I've heard very good things about the Amazon Mom program. My sister-in-law gets a great deal on diapers and other things delivered straight to her door through this program. I just haven't had the chance to check it out very thoroughly, but it's definitely on my to-do list!
Happily Ever After???
Online shopping takes both patience to find the good deal and smarts to get the deal while the gettin's good. Maybe someday I'll enjoy shopping in a store again, but I doubt it. Happily ever after for me would be everything, including grocery shopping, done online; free shipping and returns on all purchases; and never having to set foot in a store again. Happy shopping!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Let's Talk Turkey!
My Superhero isn't really a craft-type kid. When I try to do a craft with him, I usually end up doing it myself. However, he does like to decorate for whatever holiday is closest. If the craft is easy and doesn't take a lot of time, he's very happy to help make decorations. This turkey definitely qualifies as fast and easy.
brown and white construction paper
fall leaves (I got a package of 32 at my local grocery store for about$0.89.)
scotch tape
glue stick
I used a can of beans to trace the circle out of construction paper. I then taped three leaves to the back of the circle.
I wanted to hang my turkeys up, so I wanted the to have faces on both sides. I taped another brown circle on the back of the turkey so they looked the same from both front and back.
I cut out eyes from white construction paper, and then cut out a beak and a a wattle for each side from orange and red leaves. (For each double sided turkey: 4 eyes, 2 beaks, 2 wobbles.) And yes, the red hangy-down thing on a turkey is called a wattle. I googled it. :)
You can use a glue stick to put on the face. I didn't have a glue stick (that wasn't completely dried up), so I used glue for the eyes and doubled over pieces of scotch tape for the beaks and wattles.
This is my Superhero's turkey. Isn't he cute?
I then used yarn to hang the turkeys on the chandelier over our table
Now our house is decorated, my Superhero and Angel are happy, and the turkeys can knock my husband in the head and drive him crazy! That's a win on all counts!

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